Nutritional Requirement for Vulnerable Group

Feeding of Pregnant and lactating Women

  • most vulnerable
  • basal metabolic rate (BMR) increase by 20%
  • need extra kcal to build :-  
            1. their own tissue
            2. fat stores for making breast milk
            3. the baby and placenta
  • lactating mother needs more proteins, vitamins, minerals and kcal than pregnancy
Health consequences of maternal malnutrition
A) Fetal and child effects
- low birth weight
- congenital malformation
- rickets
- anaemia
- decrease resistant to infection

B) Maternal effects
- maternal depletion syndrome :-
     -iron deficiency anaemia (IDA)
     -protein energy malnutrition (PEM)
     -iodine deficiency orders (IDD)
- maternal infection(puerperal sepsis)
- maternal mortality

maternal height and pre-pregnant weight contribute to factors affecting size of placenta

Feeding of Infants and Growing Children

  • for infant give exclusive breastfeeding during first 6 months of life
  • for pre-school children, they are high prevalence of malnutrition due to :-

   hyperactivity and lack of interest in food
   faulty feeding habits
   high prevalence of infectious and parasitic disease

  • severe prolonged malnutrition in first 2 years lead to retarded brain growth and development.
Industrial Workers
Factors to be taken :-

1. type of work whether light, moderate or heavy
2. climatic condition - in cold environment more kcal is needed.
3. working condition(mountains, indoor, outdoor)
4. exposure to toxic materials and fumes :-
     exposure to hydrocarbons and aromatic compound need more proteins and carbohyrate for liver support
     exposure to benzene need more protein and vit C to decrease toxicity
     exposure to lead need balance diet like iron to decrease lead toxicity
5. social and educational status
6. adolescents, working pregnant and lactating women