Assessment of the Nutritional Status

Direct Method of Nutritional Assessment
-deal with the individual and measure objective criteria

1. Anthropometric methods
2. Clinical methods
3. Dietary valuation method
4. Biochemical laboratory method

Indirect Method of Nutritional Assessment

1. Ecological varies including crop production
2. Economic factor ex : per capita income, population density, social habit
3. Vital health statistics particularly infant & under 5 mortality & fertility index

Anthropometric Methods
  • Mid arm circumerence
  • skin fold thickness
  • head circumference
  • head/chest ratio
  • hip/waist ratio
Measurement for adults

height measurement
stand on stadiometer with movable head piece. Recorded to nearest 0.5cm.

weight measurement
use calibrated electronic or balance beam scale. Read to nearest 100gm

Nutritional Indices in Adult
  • is body mass index(BMI) = weihgt(kg)/ Height(m2)
  • high BMI (obesity level) associated with type 2 diabetes & high risk cardivascular morbidity and mortality 
Weight status
Below 18.5
18.5 – 24.9
25.0 – 29.9
30.0 and above

Waist Circumference
  • measure at the level umbilicus to nearest 0.5cm taht should be taken under normal expiration.
  • level 2 denotes obesit


Hip Circumference
  • measure around hip and buttocks to nearest 0.5cm without indenting soft skin.
  • high risk to indicates upper body obesity are
interpretation waist/hip ratio
male = >0.95
female = >0.80

Dietary Assessment

1. 24 hours Dietary Recall
2. Food Frequency Questionnaire
3. Dietary History
4. Food Dietary
5. Observed food comsumption